Hello, I'm the main developer of LaTeXila, which is now hosted on gnome.org.
One reason of the switch to gnome.org is for translations. One problem is that LaTeXila uses CMake instead of the autotools. With CMake I can't use gnome-doc-utils for the Mallard documentation for example. Also, there are some other files to translate (besides the *.po): some *.tex files and one *.xml file. Currently, these files are simply duplicated (i.e. one file per language). For the templates (*.tex), the duplication is needed, but for the *.xml file, it would be better to extract the strings and translate them via the *.po. I don't know if it's possible. A lot of strings of the *.po are the same as in gedit. To avoid retranslating them, for creating a *.po for a new language, I take the *.po of gedit instead of creating a new one from the *.pot. Then I update the *.po with the *.pot and I delete the commented strings (which are present in gedit but not in latexila). Is it possible to do that automatically? I think the easier is to use the autotools instead of CMake so it is better integrated. But I'll need some information on how to handle the XML file and the templates (*.tex). Is there a project with similar needs? Thanks in advance, Sébastien
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