On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 06:38:51PM +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:
> > But since the C code should not be present in Git, the "releases-x-y" 
> > branches becomes useless. So, most probably, I'll create a "gnome-2-2" 
> > branch when the 2.2 version will be released. In the meantime, the 
> > master branch contains the beta releases (2.1.x).
> Minor nit-picking: Rather create a gnome-3-2 branch by just using the
> gedit/gnome version you are targetting. This way everybody knows which
> of the version is the current stable. If you want to stick to your
> version scheme, use latexila-* prefix instead of gnome-.
> Otherwise, sounds fine!

OK, then I prefer latexila-2-2, because the versions of latexila are 
based on features, not time.

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