Hi all!

Please stop taking all this personal. This is about working on a
translation project, not about personal differences.

* For the "File" thing: If people cannot decide on one term it is
completely legal for the coordinator to set a term that should be used
throughout translations. Seems to be that has been discussed to and end
without any useful outcome. There is no point in using different
translations for the same word.

* Updating an existing translation without asking the previous translator
(if he is still active) is a bit impolite but that was also noted by the
coordinator and I hope that won't happen again in the future.

* You cannot give away your copyright on anything. But as the translation
are under the GPL of course anyone is allowed to change and redistribute
them under those terms.

* In general: GTP is not 100% democratic because open source/free software
isn't either. We encourage people to be as democratic as possible though
where useful.

So in short: I hope you can solve this in your team because I would really
want to avoid loosing anyone in any translation team. But I think it would
be best to take it off-list and just answer on your private mails.

So, everybody calm down...


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