
> My opinion is based on orca and anjuta comments in vertimus
> (http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/lt/gnome-3-0/ui/).
> "anjuta žemo prioriteto – pirma išverskite kitus modulius." - anjuta
> is
> low priority. translate other modules first
> "orca yra žemo prioriteto – neverskite, kol visi kiti moduliai
> nesutvarkyti." - orca is low priority. don't translate until other modules
> are finished.
> team coordinator sets priorities instead of allowing people to contribute.

Actually, I can kind of understand when someone says there are more
important modules to translate as Anjuta (even as I am the maintainer of
said module) as it can be assumed the most open source programmers speak
and understand English.
For Orca, I don't really understand this as it is important for
accessibility and they should really focus on getting these done.

Anyhow, when you have limited manpower it is reasonable to translate
modules with lots of users with priority. As I noted before, Lithuanian
has 93% for GNOME 2.30 which is pretty good for a country with only 4
million speakers (according to wikipedia).

And I assume if someone would come up with a translation of anjuta or orca
it won't be rejected. It's just that the coordinators won't more important
parts of the desktop translated first.

> Been there. First they ignored me for months, then refused to respect my
> opinion after I bursted out on gnome-i18n. R.Kudelis even bragged how he
> managed to change file translation in other program and original
> translator gave up. I won't give up. I've spend numerous hours translating
> thousands of gnumeric texts and I won't accept changes that do simple find
> & replace in order to make controversial change. Not from person who
> already took credits for my work in Gnome. Any person who tries to
> translate something that big will understand my attachment to this
> translation.

So, is the whole issue the translation of "File"? I mean, in the German
team for example, there have been long discussion about how to translate
"Folder" and "Directory" in the past and in the end some decision was
taken and I am sure not everybody was happy but you need to decide on
something for consistence and sometimes you have to adapt a term used by
other operating systems even if you don't like it because people got used
to it.

Could you be more specific about "not respect my opinion"? Respecting does
not mean sharing. If they disagree with you that doesn't mean they don't
respect your opinion.

> Like I said I will post updates on Vertimus. It's up to team members to
> accept these updates or reject them.

We encourage you to do that but I assume it would be more useful if you
stick to the list of translation terms your team agreed upon. Usually
every team should have such a list in the wiki[1].

Don't get me wrong, you may have valid concerns but currently I don't see
the bug point that would mean that everything goes wrong.


[1] Example: http://live.gnome.org/de/StandardUebersetzungen

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