
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 10:03:32PM +0100, Laco Gubík wrote:
> I' m member of Slovak team and I completely agree with points raised
> by Johannes.
> Trust - this is big issue because Marcel will not commit anything
> unless he checks it, even if it would be checked by four other people.
> There is feeling that he thinks we are not good enough for this job.
> Which is also why he does not want anybody else to be commiter. Based
> on his actions, my personal impression is that he wants to keep total
> power over team.

Some info behind the scenes for those who do not read Slovak (in
chronological order, all happened in about a month - in January 2010):

- Laco joined the team.
- Laco asked for two modules for translation (yelp and
- I assigned these two modules to Laco.
- Laco sent an email with "Challenge for coordinator change"[*]
- Laco uploaded his first translations of two assigned modules

[*] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-January/msg00092.html

> Attitude towards newcomers - big problem is that Marcel does not see
> what is problem here. He is very good translator and his output is of
> high quality, but he does seem to lack bit of soft skills.

You can easily said that...

> Long term vision - I think for Marcel, it is only quality nothing
> else. It seems like he has very little interest in trying to improve
> amount of translated modules, hence why new people who are not good
> and do not pass his "entry test" are of little interest to him.

Thank you for speaking instead of me. But you are not true.

> Personal differences - Here I would only like to say, that Marcel is
> little bit paranoid about Peter trying to "get his position". Peter

Ok. You are probably true. It looks like you started the "head hunting",
not Peter.

> only proposed himself as new coordinator, when we did not see any
> other solution and he did this after discussion with other members of

This discussion was probably ran out of our team mailing list...
... not in public.

> the team and after some of us showed him support. Also Peter is most
> active translator and reviewer in our team and has lot of time which
> he is willing to give to team, hence why he did it.

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   mar...@jabber.sk |
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