On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 01:20:21AM +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:
> Hi!
> > [1] http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-sk-list/2010-April/msg00096.html

The latest version of the document is at:

> I know that is probably a pretty lame job, but if this should be a
> subject of the discussion, there would need to be a translation of the
> non-language-specific parts of this mail.
> I don't know if this is valueable as I don't know the content.

This document is something like rules how we (as a team) will handle
(create, cancel, etc.) translation rules. As written in the document,
the document was just sent for comments/voting/improvements. It is not
"in action" yet.

Here is rough overview of the content:

1. Introduction - here is said that handling of this document is
governed by rules introduced in this document (some chicken/egg

2. Terminology - some naming, what is "rule", "team", "translation".

3. Coverage - here is said that all members of the team should follow
these rules while translating GNOME to Slovak. There is also stated why
these rules should be created.

4. Format of rules - basically, must be written in Slovak; contains
header and body

4.1. Format of the header - definition of initial few (in most cases 6)
lines of a document

4.2. Format of the body - anything you want

5. List of rules - definition of a wiki page where these rules are
listed: http://live.gnome.org/SlovakTranslation/PPDS/List 

6. Life cycle of a rule - picture with rule status (draft, in action,
obsoleted, etc) and actions how to move between the various statuses.

6.1. Detail description of the rule statuses

6.2. Actions (processes)

6.2.1. Writing the text of a rule - who can be an author (every member
of a team).

6.2.2. Sending a rule for comments - how to send a rule to mailing list,
how to enter the rule into the list of rules.

6.2.3. Comments, voting, etc. - here is described what to do in several
situation during the voting period:
A. how to withdrawn the rule (by author)
B. discussion, comments
C. change to rule text is needed/requested
D. the voting period needs to be prolonged
E. how to change the author during the voting period
F. author is not responsive (in regards to B, C)
G. the voting period ended

6.2.4. What to do in case the rule is obsoleted by other rule.

In the rule lifecycle the role of coordinator is near to zero. The
coordinator is needed only in 6.2.3.F. The voting/comments period is
driven by the author, all members can participate in equal way. The
basic voting period is long enough (30 days) so everybody have a chance
to read a new rule and bring up some comments, etc.

In addition, I created an example of a regular rule:

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   mar...@telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   mar...@jabber.sk |
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