Le lundi 07 septembre 2009 à 07:47 -0700, Sandy Armstrong a écrit :
> Hi Folks,
> I apologize for the late request, but in looking at a bug with
> Tomboy's web sync authorization [0], I realize that to properly
> support the OAuth 1.0a spec for authorization, I must change some
> user-facing strings.  I'd really like to get the fix in for today's
> release if it's possible to get approval that fast.
> Essentially, as part of the authorization process, I have to start a
> little HTTP server and show a web page directing the user back to
> Tomboy.  So I need to two short translatable strings (title and
> content of page):
> "Tomboy Web Authorization Successful"
> "Please return to the Tomboy Preferences window and click Save to
> start synchronizing."
> In addition, I will need to change a string in the Tomboy Preferences
> window.  I need to change...
> "Click Here After Authorizing"
> ...into...
> "Authorizing in browser (Click to reset connection)"
> Since the Tomboy Online stuff has not yet launched, I do not think it
> will be too big of a deal if the first stable release goes out with
> these untranslated (in other words, if translators don't get to them
> until the next stable point release, that is okay with me).
> Thanks so much for your consideration,
> Sandy
> [0] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=594046

Thanks for the thorough explanation.
+1 from me, as this seems to be unavoidable.


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