Op Do, 2009-08-27 om 08:59 +0200 skryf Claude Paroz:
> Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 17:13 -0500, Shaun McCance a écrit :
> > On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 23:02 +0100, Bruce Cowan wrote:
> > > I've noticed that one of the main purposes of the en_GB team is to fix
> > > the grammar and spelling of the original strings. However, most of the
> > > work of the team seems to be done after string freeze, when the strings
> > > can't be changed (easily). Of course, I could have started earlier, but
> > > I didn't for some reason.
> > > 
> > > Anyway, I thought that a sort of "string strike force" may be a good
> > > idea. Essentially it would audit strings while they can still be fixed.
> > > 
> > > The en_GB team could take this on itself, but it's probably a bit
> > > understaffed.
> > 
> > The documentation team has discussed doing this before.
> > We'd like to look for more than just spelling and grammar
> > problems.  Notably:
> > 
> > 1) Making sure terminology matches our style guide
> > 2) Fixing awkward and confusing sentences
> > 3) Checking for things that cause translation problems
> > 
> > I have thoughts on how we could do this systematically.
> > Are others interested in doing this?  We could have a
> > meeting or something to get the ball rolling.
> I like this idea very much.
> The difficulty might lie in the timeframe devoted to this review
> process. If it's too soon, it might lead to time waste, because strings
> can still change. What about some "string sprint" the week-end just
> before string freeze?
> And if we don't want to review more than 40'000 strings each release, I
> probably could extend DL to show a view with only new strings from the
> previous release.

This sounds like a very good idea. If just a few translators can be
involved along with native English speakers, the documentation team, I
think it will allow us to put in a big effort.


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