2009/7/28 Simos Xenitellis <simos.li...@googlemail.com>:
> Hi All,
> Stormy (our executive director, GNOME Foundation) sent an e-mail to
> the teams to produce reports of the efforts
> for Q2 (April, May, June) of 2009, so that a report can be produced,
> similar to what KDE does at
> http://ev.kde.org/reports/ev-quarterly-2008Q3-Q4.pdf
> Among the multiple benefits of such a report is to communicate further our 
> work.
> Stormy nominated me this time to write the text for GNOME I18n. Here
> is the text.
> Any comments are highly appreciated.
> The final text needs to reach Stormy before the 31st July.
> “The GNOME I18n team coordinated the translation effort for GNOME
> 2.26, which was made available on
> March/April 2009. Linux distributions such as Fedora Linux 11 and
> Ubuntu Linux 9.04 offer the new localised GNOME.
> GNOME 2.26 now supports 48 languages, compared to 45 languages in the
> previous release.
> After the release of GNOME 2.26, GNOME migrated to the Git version
> control system for the management of the source code. The GNOME I18n
> team is helping during the migration to Git with dedicated
> documentation for translators and support through the mailing list.”

The only tiny comment that I have, is that I don't think that it quite
works to use the same adjective "dedicated" for both documentation and
support, it works fine for support, but not so much for support, how
about something like ".. to Git with thorough documentation for
translators and dedicated support throu.." ?

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
gnome-i18n mailing list

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