Em Seg, 2008-04-07 às 10:21 -0400, Thomas Thurman escreveu:
> I was working the other day on bug 335763, which allowed zenity yes/no 
> dialogues to have arbitrary text on the "yes" and "no" buttons.  It 
> occurred to me today that this is actually a more general problem for 
> yes/no dialogues in languages where the answers to such questions depend 
> on the verb used.  (I know Irish and Welsh have this feature.)
> For example, from gossip:
> msgid "Do you already have an account set up on a server?"
> msgstr "A oes cyfrif ar weinydd Jabber gennych eisoes?"
> Creating a dialogue with gtk_message_dialog_new() will give us buttons 
> called "Ie" and "Nage", which are generic unfocussed yes/no words.
> I am turning over whether gettext might be appropriately extended to 
> something like, perhaps
> #, yes-no
> msgid "Do you already have an account set up on a server?"
> msgstr "A oes cyfrif ar weinydd Jabber gennych eisoes?"
> msgstr[y] "Oes"
> msgstr[n] "Nac oes"
> or possibly we might extend gtk so that the message_format string can 
> (perhaps if passed a special flag) contain yes/no text for the buttons 
> as appropriate, which would require minimal changes anywhere else:
> msgid "Do you already have an account set up on a server?"
> msgstr ""
> "A oes cyfrif ar weinydd Jabber gennych eisoes?%(Oes)yb%(Nac oes)nb"
> The second is my preferred option out of the two.  It doesn't look hard 
> to implement, either.
> Thoughts?  Would this be useful outside the Celtic languages?
> peace
> T

Hi, Thomas.

Why not just make your own dialog, gtk+ allows you to add any kind of
custom button.

Jonh Wendell

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