Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 08:49 -0500 schrieb Matthias Clasen:
> On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 09:08 +0100, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Please, revert the commit and wait until you get two approvals for your
> > request from gnome-i18n Team before committing the patch. Thanks!

> No. 
> See, this is not a random unmotivated string change that I did to annoy
> the translators. This is a serious bugfix that happens to require a few
> new strings, which don't even cause any problems when left untranslated.

hi matthias,

things would be easier if you'd just come up with a short bug
description or a bugzilla link. i know that the clock has some urgent
bugs to fix for 2.22, but being unfriendly towards the translator does
not help anybody.

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