
I belive Nacho is expecting comments and suggestions mostly about the
interface, the other work could be done afterwards.

So, I'd suggest a nice buttonbar like Kbabel one (sorry, I just like it
so much), with the previous/next fuzzy and previous/next untranslated
string. Also a button with a dictionary, a check status button, a button
to add the tags so useful for the documentation...
This can also be done if the bars are customizable, but I think those
buttons are so useful that should come by default.

And also instead of showing at the bottom/statusbar the status of the
string which is being transalted, I would suggest to show it elsewhere
that can be spotted easier, like above the msgstr.

Right now the interface looks pretty nice :)


El sáb, 29-12-2007 a las 13:15 +0100, Nacho escribió:
> Here you have a screenshot:
> http://bp2.blogger.com/_d2pc0IsKLgw/R3Y4lJuOzjI/AAAAAAAAADE/v60Nmj7FCIc/s1600-h/Captura+de+pantalla-Gtranslator.png
> 1)  We now message table colors aren't a good idea and we are working
> to fix that using icons.
> 2)  I added to boxes at the right to show the comments the first it is
> for extracted comments
> and the second for custom colors. 
> What do you think about this way to show the comments? Do you prefer
> another way?
> 3) I added the filename of the file where is extracted the comment to
> the extracted comments
> box (If you like it like this, i am going to make it like a link, so
> if you want to show the message 
> in the source you just need to click there). What do you think about
> added it there? Do you prefer to 
> have it like in poedit with right click in the message table?
> Any other suggestion?
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