> >> 1) Why not use the background colour of the row?
> >> A light background color that is easy on the eye as well as easy to
> >> distinguish is better than icons I believe.
> >> And please no, as you suggested, please don't change the color of the 
> >> message.
> >>
>     I've been working on this, though I've had difficulty getting gtk+
> to cooperate. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to do this. It's
> possible to change cell backgrounds easily but this leaves ugly gaps
> between cells. Additionally, it would be great if this would respect the
> alternating row colors. If anyone can provide hints in this direction I
> would really, really appreciate it. Also, if anyone knows of any
> tutorials on symbolic colors in gtk+ I'd love to see them.

Current color - (X, X, X) to slightly dim the alternating rows,
assuming an (R, G, B) representation of the colours.

As for the gaps between the cells, how bad are they? is it the color
of the cell delimiter or some sort of extra padding?

I think I'll get my hands dirty with the code.


PS. Sorry Seán for the extra email, that should've been "reply to all".
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