One word: _wonderful_!


2007/1/7, Danilo Šegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Today at 16:09, Stéphane RAIMBAULT wrote:
> > 2 - I really need UI stats because our tool, Vertimus, is actually
> > broken (result of SVN migration), can you add these UI stats to the
> > same files ?
> Sure, except that I used "domain" instead of "ui" you suggested below:
> > 2 -->     <ui id="po">
> > 2 ----->     <pofile>/POT/seahorse.HEAD/</pofile>
> This is already there, in appropriate sections :)
> > 3 ----->       <svnpath>seahorse/trunk/po/</svnpath>
> You can get this from gnome-modules.xml, but I since you insist:
> > 3 - some modules (like Banshee or Beagle) don't use a standard path,
> > it's an useful information to provide via svnpath, for example.
> I've added it :)
> > 4 - I've discovered an other problem in XML files, for example, look at
> > fifth-toe.xml :
> This was the same problem that plagued basic web page, which is now fixed.
> Cheers,
> Danilo
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