
Our translation tool, Vertimus, uses a parser to get translation stats.

Main branch:
In production here:

Vincent Untz has written this code in Python to parse
http://l10n-status.gnome.org/, in the goal to extract all stats. It's
an HTML parser so any change in the HTML code can break the process.

Today, progress.gnome.org is not supported. We have two choices :
- update the current parser
- use your tool
How do you get your stats from CVS ? Can we use the same tool or
obtain the data in XML for example ?


2006/12/28, Danilo Šegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Matic,
> Today at 14:20, Matic Žgur wrote:
> > I was just wondering about this Damned Lies application, is it
> > considered stable, i.e. the data gets updated regularly, or is it better
> > to use http://l10n-status.gnome.org/ ? As far as I can tell, this is a
> > very promising and nice looking :) piece of software.
> It gets updated regularly.  I am adding some final touches right now,
> and I hope to have default Gnome Translation status pages switch to
> that along with 2006/2007 year switch :)
> For most intents and purposes, you may use progress.gnome.org for your
> daily translation work (though, it's updated only once a day, compared
> to 3-a-day for l10n-status.g.o).  Except listings of translation team
> coordinators, which are quite out of date :)
> Another important feature of progress.gnome.org is that it supports
> SVN as well as CVS, so once GNOME finally switches to Subversion,
> there'll be no other choice. :)
> Cheers,
> Danilo
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