Le jeudi 20 juillet 2006, à 23:26, Christophe Merlet (RedFox) a écrit :
> Christophe Fergeau a écrit :
> >> The CVS is not the place or must fight battles of ego. There is thus one 
> >> commiter at the same time. As a developer you can understand that.

Note that many modules have co-maintainers and hence, more than one
committer. It's definitely useful.


> > Let's not talk about the proposal
> > of switching the outdated web site to a wiki,
> The web site is not outdated. And I don't see the reason to put wiki, 
> blog, Web 2.0, forums, <put here your buzz words>, aliased mails, php, 
> python, perl, java, give multiple accounts.
> The Web site give what is needed for translations, not for fun.

Having a more complete and up-to-date (and nicer?) website would help to
get more people involved. That's why several people want to update it.

> You want a wiki, you have one on live.gnome.org.
> And the only thing that is useful, it is to recopy the contents of the 
> gnomefr.traduc.org site.
> More curious, is that those which had fun has to create these pages on 
> live.gnome.org abstained from specifying that the official site is 
> gnomefr.traduc.org.
> Useless to come to complain now that the translators are confused!!

When people tried to create a list of who is translating what on the lgo
wiki so that we would have a better idea of where we're at, you
simply ignored the effort, or sometimes told people to stop doing that,
without providing the list of non-attributed modules. People wanted to
know the status so they could organize themselves to help.

Also, the wiki has been useful to work on some standardization, like:
It's far from being useless.

I believe the reason that the official website is not mentioned on the
http://live.gnome.org/GnomeFr/Traduire page (which is the only page
where it would make sense) is that there's less useful informations on
the official website. That's why some people asked to update the
official website.

People are only asking for more delegation so the team can be more


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