Forenote: I'm not a regular contributor of french translations, and barely anyone knows me on the list since I post nearly nothing there. But I think it is important that the most people give their opinion on the subject to try to conclude some long living problems.
When I started to participate in translations, it was the usage to contact Christophe(RedFox) to reserve the po file. Then the translation had to be sent to him, so that he could check it and commit it. I always thought I could have posted also on the list to get help on some words or to get a first proof reading. I understand that what is reproched to Christophe is that: - He was a bottleneck in the whole process. - We had no information about the proof readings and commits progress. - The flames on the list lead to think he is isolated, and relunctant to the changement My opinion is: - Christophe *really* was a bottleneck. But Christophe also has always asked for a system to do the reservation. He didn't want to develop it himself and has quite often replied to its detractors to develop such a tool. Today, at last, we have vertimus. We also have a wiki, but I do not see the point with it. It is lots of work to multiply the sources of information and keep them in sync. I would have prefer one or two persons in charge of the website, listening for questions and requests, discussing each of them. - I agree that we had few information about the process. Moreover, Christophe seemed to be unavailable from time to time for answering on the list (however, many messages on the list for a year now were flames). I think we miss a small identified staff, which could answer on the behalf of Christophe, and organize major things with him. The new person in charge of the documents translation is a very great step in this direction. - At last, why can't people discuss one simple thing at one time on the list, limiting flames, writing pros and cons ? That was a heartfelt cry :) Thanks for reading. -- David. _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list