vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:
Hi Mark

How come 7 +/- 500 bar is approximately 1 bar. Can you explain it more clearly? It will be of more useful to me to understand the concept.

Suppose you do two simulations. In one, the result is 7+/-500 and in the other, the result is 1+/-500. Even though the latter achieves the preferred result (average pressure of 1 bar), statistically, there is no difference between these two results because of the huge standard deviations in the data.

One more thing, density (from g_energy command) of water is found to low (expected 1000) after NPT is equilibration. why? given below is my average density value. Can i proceed with this density value?

Energy Average RMSD Fluct. Drift Tot-Drift
Density (SI) 979.37 14.3238 14.2431 -0.0525784 -5.25789

Real water and SPC water are different. I don't know that there is any water model out there that perfectly reproduces all the properties of water. A density around 980 sounds about right for SPC.

A comment on your previous approach: you're hoping to achieve the same box dimensions for two different systems in order to concatenate them and make an interfacial system? It would be far easier to create the organic phase, extend the box in z, and then solvate with genbox.



On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Mark Abraham < <>> wrote:

    On 29/10/2010 6:39 PM, vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:
    I am using the semiisotropic pressure scaling because i want the
    box size to remain the same as that of the original box size in X
    and Y axis and want to change it only on the Z axis. I am doing
    this because at a latter stage i want to create an interface with
    organic solvent where i need the cross sections (X and Y axis
    length) of both the box should be the same.

    what i should do now  get the pressure of 1 bar?

    7 +/- 500 *is* approximately 1 bar, and hardly any better an
    approximation than 1 +/- 500. If you want lower fluctuations, use a
    larger system and run for a much longer time. Or, since you'll have
    to re-equilibrate once you combine the solvent boxes, don't bother.


    Has no one has got the pressure of water to be close to 1 bar in
    GROMACS till now?


    On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 12:54 PM, David van der Spoel
    < <>> wrote:

        On 2010-10-29 09.08, vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:

            Hi Mark

            I read the link before posting the question. even though
            the fluctation
            is between 500-600 (as said in the link) bar the average
            pressure is
            around 7.4 bar. my concern is the average pressure?.
            Because at a latter
            stage i am going to combine this water box with another
            organic solvent
            and i want to avoid any complications there.

        Think again of what you just wrote. Your value is 7 +/- 500.
        In fact according to normal statistical rules you should round
        the value of 7 to 0. If you want more accurate number you
        could increase the box size by a factor of 100.

        By the way, why are you using semiisotropic pressure scaling
        in a water box?


            On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Mark Abraham
            < <>
            <>>> wrote:

               On 29/10/2010 5:48 PM, vinothkumar mohanakrishnan wrote:

                   Hi Gromacians

                   I want to do equilibration of water (spc model)
            first in the NVT
                   ensemble and then in the NPT ensemble to maintain a
                   of 300K and a pressure of 1 bar respectively. The NVT
                   equilibration works fine and the average
            temperature turns out
                   to be 299.229 K.

Energy Average RMSD Fluct.
                         Drift            Tot-Drift
Temperature 299.229 10.3092 10.2463
                     0.0393873    3.93877
                   Heat Capacity Cv:       12.494 J/mol K (factor =

                     when i do NPT equilibration i am not getting the
                   pressure as 1 bar or atleast close to 1 bar
            (between 1-1.4 bar).
                   In the mdp file i used semiisotropic pressure
            coupling type
                   because i want to fix the length of the box same on
            two axis as
                   that of the original box size and want to change it
            only on one
                   axis. can any one tell me why iam not getting the
                   pressure of 1 bar?.

               This looks normal for a smallish water system over
            100ps. See


Energy Average RMSD Fluct.
                     Drift  Tot-Drift
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pressure (bar) 7.4339 574.052 573.574
                   0.812129    81.2138

                   Given below is my mdp file (NPT equilibration). any
            help is
                   highly appreciated.

                   title           = DCE NVT equilibration
                   cpp           = usr/bin/cpp
                   integrator   = md
                   nsteps       = 100000
                   dt              = 0.001
                   nstxout       = 100
                   nstvout       = 100
                   nstenergy   = 100
                   nstlog        = 100
                   ns_type     = grid
                   nstlist        = 1
                   rlist            = 1.0
                   coulombtype    = PME
                   rcoulomb         = 1.0
                   vdwtype          = Cut-off
                   rvdw               = 1.0
                   pme_order       = 4
                   fourierspacing  = 0.16
                   pbc                 = xyz
                   tcoupl              = V-rescale
                   tc-grps             = system
                   tau_t                = 0.1
                   ref_t                 = 300
                   pcoupl              = berendsen
                   pcoupltype        = semiisotropic
                   tau_p                = 0.5
                   ref_p                 = 1.0 1.0
                   compressibility   = 0.0 4.5e-5
                   DispCorr            = Enerpres
                   gen_vel             = yes
                   gen_temp          = 300
                   gen_seed          = 173529


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-- David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
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Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at] | (540) 231-9080

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