Yongchul Chung wrote:
yes I carried out energy minimization and used following parameters.
OK, so what values of potential energy and maximum force did EM achieve?
title = FWS
cpp = /usr/bin/cpp ; the c pre-processor
define = -DFLEXIBLE
constraints = none
integrator = steep
dt = 0.002 ; ps !
nsteps = 1000
nstlist = 10
ns_type = grid
rlist = 1.0
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb = 1.0
vdwtype = cut-off
rvdw = 1.4
fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
; Energy minimizing stuff
emtol = 500
emstep = 0.01
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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