On 7/24/2016 11:27 AM, Jakub Narębski wrote:

In my opinion being able to view it online has its advantages.
Even casual reader can check it, and point errors or offer suggestions
for improvements.

Absolutely. Now that I've finished the editing I'll look
into that.

I think you can share a folder instead, and this would be stable.
Alternatively, when updating the book you could update the link
in the GitHub repository description and/or the README for the

I'll check your folder idea. If that's correct then that would
be an excellent way to do it. I had already thought of updating
the README but I'm not sure if this would be sufficient.

Well, https://git.github.io/htmldocs/git.html is on GitHub Pages
(for a project, that is in https://github.com/git/git.github.io repo
that is also used for Git Rev News), and it obviously uses AsciiDoc.

I'll check that.

You can use Jekyll, or you can just upload HTML, as described
in https://help.github.com/articles/creating-project-pages-manually/
(this one is for per-repo GitHub Pages, i.e. using orphan branch
gh-pages, not a special named repository like e.g. git.github.io).
After each change / release you would need to rebuild HTML version
and upload to GitHub pages. This can be automated with hooks.

I'll also look into that.

These are all great suggestions, which I appreciate. I didn't
do any of this for the 1st edition, which, in retrospect,
was probably a mistake.

BTW. I thought that Pro Git used Markdown, not AsciiDoc?

Nope. Asciidoc. See

All right. One issue I have after browsing through changes is that
description of changes and their granularity is severely lacking.
"A few more very minor changes.", "More piddly changes.", "should have
included this in last commit" are not good commit messages.

You're absolutely right. I probably should have squashed those commits.
Those comments aren't really intended for public consumption.
Since I made many changes per commit, I really couldn't give an
instructive commit message.

Now that this edition is done, I plan on following good commit
practices in the future.

If I find time to comment on changes, I would do that on GitHub,
commenting / adding notes on changes there (like the one I posted
as demo:

That would be great. I think I'm setup for that now in my GitHub
repo for that book.


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