Re-added git mailing list

On 24 July 2016 at 17:57, Jon Forrest <> wrote:
> On 7/24/2016 2:00 AM, Jakub Narębski wrote:
>> I have not checked the book itself; it would be nice if it were
>> hosted somewhere, even if using GitHub Pages (per-project or
>> per-user).
> Do you mean in some format other than pdf and html?
> What's wrong with sharing on Google drive?

As far as I can see you cannot view it online (without downloading).

>> Could you change the description of the repository, and perhaps
>> adjust the README so that it says that it is Pro Git Reedited?
> Good idea. I'll do that.


>> Have you tried submitting changes upstream?
> Yes, but they're not interested because most of my
> changes are very subjective. I have submitted a couple
> of obvious minor errors, which do appear in the upstream
> version.

Ah. Could you tell me the summary of those changes?

Jakub Narebski
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