On 7/24/2016 10:19 AM, Jakub Narębski wrote:
As far as I can see you cannot view it online (without downloading).
True. I changed the way the HTML file is generated so that it
contains all the images downloading it is as good as viewing
it online. I'm not current with the thinking about the merits
of online viewing vs. downloading. Is one more accepted than the other?

Also, I realized one potentially major disadvantage of sharing in
Google Drive. This is that the URL will change each time I update
the book. Apparently Google is taking away the ability to create
a static link at the end of August 2016.

If this book turns out to be popular enough that I have to change it
then I'll have to revisit how to share it. Github Pages looks interesting
but it isn't clear to me how to put this book there since it's written
in Ascidoc.

Ah. Could you tell me the summary of those changes?
There are too many to summarize. Some are of the type that the proofreader
should have caught, and others are my attempt to clarify things. Since I
don't claim to be a Git expert it remains to be seen how successful I am.


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