Take an email message file, parse it and quote the message body.

If `--compose` is set, then it will quote the message in the cover letter.
Otherwise, imply `--annotate` option and put the quoted message in the first
patch after the triple-dash.

Signed-off-by: Tom Russello <tom.russe...@grenoble-inp.org>
Signed-off-by: Samuel Groot <samuel.gr...@grenoble-inp.org>
Signed-off-by: Matthieu Moy <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr>
Currently, `send-email` without `--compose` implies `--annotate`. The
current behavior of `--annotate` is that changes made during edition are saved
in patch files.

Keeping that behavior when using `--quote-email` populates the patch file with
the quoted message body, and the patch is saved no matter what. If the user
closes his editor and then exits `send-email`, changes will be saved.

Should we keep the current behavior for the user, keeping the changes (including
the quoted message body) in the patch, or should we discard them?

changes since v1:
        - default behaviour of the option: it is now --annotate as one may not 
          to send a cover letter for a single patch
        - "On [date], [original author] wrote:" is added before the quoted 
        - request to trim useless parts of the cited message when `--compose` 
is set
        - extra blank removed when the message quoted is empty

 Documentation/git-send-email.txt |  5 ++-
 git-send-email.perl              | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 t/t9001-send-email.sh            |  6 +++
 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
index 2334d69..68bbb6c 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
@@ -109,7 +109,10 @@ is not set, this will be prompted for.
        Reply to the given email and automatically populate the "To:", "Cc:" and
        "In-Reply-To:" fields. If `--compose` is set, this will also fill the
-       subject field with "Re: [<email_file>'s subject]".
+       subject field with "Re: [<email_file>'s subject]" and quote the message 
+       of <email_file>. If `--compose` is not set, this will imply `--annotate`
+       option and will quote the message body of <email_file> after the 
+       in the first patch.
        Specify the initial subject of the email thread.
diff --git a/git-send-email.perl b/git-send-email.perl
index 9df3dee..e73aa25 100755
--- a/git-send-email.perl
+++ b/git-send-email.perl
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use Text::ParseWords;
 use Term::ANSIColor;
 use File::Temp qw/ tempdir tempfile /;
 use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
+use File::Copy;
 use Error qw(:try);
 use Git;
@@ -55,8 +56,8 @@ git send-email --dump-aliases
     --[no-]bcc              <str>  * Email Bcc:
     --subject               <str>  * Email "Subject:"
     --in-reply-to           <str>  * Email "In-Reply-To:"
-    --quote-email           <file> * Fill the fields "To:", "Cc:", "Subject:",
-                                     "In-Reply-To" appropriately.
+    --quote-email           <file> * Fill To:, Cc:, Subject:, In-Reply-To:
+                                     appropriately and quote the message body.
     --[no-]xmailer                 * Add "X-Mailer:" header (default).
     --[no-]annotate                * Review each patch that will be sent in an 
     --compose                      * Open an editor for introduction.
@@ -642,11 +643,14 @@ if (@files) {
+my $message_quoted;
 if ($quote_email) {
        my $error = validate_patch($quote_email);
        $error and die "fatal: $quote_email: $error\nwarning: no patches were 
        my @header = ();
+       my $date;
+       my $recipient;
        open my $fh, "<", $quote_email or die "can't open file $quote_email";
@@ -687,7 +691,8 @@ if ($quote_email) {
                                $initial_subject = $prefix_re . $subject_re;
                        } elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) {
-                               push @initial_to, $1;
+                               $recipient = $1;
+                               push @initial_to, $recipient;
                        } elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/i) {
                                foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
                                        if (!($addr eq $initial_sender)) {
@@ -707,6 +712,8 @@ if ($quote_email) {
                        } elsif (/^Message-Id: (.*)/i) {
                                $initial_reply_to = $1;
+                       } elsif (/^Date: (.*)/i) {
+                               $date = $1;
                } else {
                        # In the traditional
@@ -722,6 +729,23 @@ if ($quote_email) {
+       my $tpl_date = $date && "On $date, " || '';
+       $message_quoted = $tpl_date . $recipient . " wrote:\n";
+       # Quote the message body
+       while (<$fh>) {
+               # Only for files containing crlf line endings
+               s/\r//g;
+               my $space = "";
+               if (/^[^>]/) {
+                       $space = " ";
+               }
+               $message_quoted .= ">" . $space . $_;
+       }
+       if (!$compose) {
+               $annotate = 1;
+       }
 sub get_patch_subject {
@@ -749,6 +773,9 @@ if ($compose) {
        my $tpl_sender = $sender || $repoauthor || $repocommitter || '';
        my $tpl_subject = $initial_subject || '';
        my $tpl_reply_to = $initial_reply_to || '';
+       my $tpl_quote = $message_quoted &&
+               "\nGIT: Please, trim down irrelevant sections in the quoted 
+               "GIT: to keep your email concise\n" . $message_quoted || '';
        print $c <<EOT;
 From $tpl_sender # This line is ignored.
@@ -760,7 +787,7 @@ GIT: Clear the body content if you don't wish to send a 
 From: $tpl_sender
 Subject: $tpl_subject
 In-Reply-To: $tpl_reply_to
        for my $f (@files) {
                print $c get_patch_subject($f);
@@ -825,9 +852,51 @@ EOT
                $compose = -1;
 } elsif ($annotate) {
-       do_edit(@files);
+       if ($quote_email) {
+               my $quote_email_filename = ($repo ?
+                       tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX",
+                               DIR => $repo->repo_path()) :
+                       tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX",
+                               DIR => "."))[1];
+               do_insert_quoted_message($quote_email_filename, $files[0]);
+               my $tmp = $files[0];
+               $files[0] = $quote_email_filename;
+               do_edit(@files);
+               # Erase the original patch
+               move($quote_email_filename, $tmp);
+               $files[0] = $tmp;
+       } else {
+               do_edit(@files);
+       }
+sub do_insert_quoted_message {
+       my $tmp_file = shift;
+       my $original_file = shift;
+       open my $c, "<", $original_file
+       or die "Failed to open $original_file : " . $!;
+       open my $c2, ">", $tmp_file
+               or die "Failed to open $tmp_file : " . $!;
+       # Insertion after the triple-dash
+       while (<$c>) {
+               print $c2 $_;
+               last if (/^---$/);
+       }
+       print $c2 $message_quoted;
+       while (<$c>) {
+               print $c2 $_;
+       }
+       close $c;
+       close $c2;
 sub ask {
        my ($prompt, %arg) = @_;
        my $valid_re = $arg{valid_re};
diff --git a/t/t9001-send-email.sh b/t/t9001-send-email.sh
index 389a54c..5ab7533 100755
--- a/t/t9001-send-email.sh
+++ b/t/t9001-send-email.sh
@@ -1916,6 +1916,12 @@ test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Fields with --quote-email 
are correct' '
        echo "$cc_adr" | grep c...@example.com
+test_expect_success $PREREQ 'correct quoted message with --quote-email' '
+       grep "On Sat, 12 Jun 2010 15:53:58 +0200, aut...@example.com wrote:" 
msgtxt1 &&
+       grep "> Have you seen my previous email?" msgtxt1 &&
+       grep ">> Previous content" msgtxt1
 test_expect_success $PREREQ 'Fields with --quote-email and --compose are 
correct' '
        clean_fake_sendmail &&
        git send-email \

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