Karthik Nayak <karthik....@gmail.com> writes:

>> Even more generic would be an %(ifeq:x:y) conditional and a
>> %(currentbranch) atom:
>>     %(ifeq:refname:currentbranch)*%(endif)
>> Those are just a couple ideas. Other variations are possible and
>> likely preferable to the specialized %(starifcurrent).
> This makes sense, thanks. But implementing something like
> "%(if:<atom>)" seems to not be as easy as I thought it would be.
> First we need to parse that inner atom, but the used_atom_cnt is based
> on how many atoms there are initially, which doesn't count this inner atom.
> Although we could have a way around that, we'd need to again call 
> populate_value
> from itself to get that inner atom's value. This causes more problems.
> Either ways
> I'm looking at ways around this.
> A simple solution would be to do :
> %(if)%(atom)%(then).....%(endif)
> or just
> %(if)%(atom).....%(endif)

My knee-jerk reaction to the former was "Eeww, the users is forced
to keep verbosely typing unnecessarily '%(', ')%(then)' forever,
only because the implementor was too lazy to do the job properly in
parse_atom()".  I do not think the latter a good idea at all.

But I think the former is worth considering, as it will later allow
us to extend it to various forms, e.g.


Two points being

 (1) the default "string is not empty" does not have to be the only
     test criteria, by leaving the door to add %(if:<condition>)

 (2) what is tested does not have to be a single atom (that is why
     I do not think the one without %(then) good at all) but can be
     a string that can later be interpreted.

And syntactically, something like this even may want to be
introduced later:

    %(if:expr)master == %(refname:short)%(then)...%(end)

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