On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 2:48 AM, Karthik Nayak <karthik....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 2:57 AM, Matthieu Moy
> <matthieu....@grenoble-inp.fr> wrote:
> Good point! I just was wondering if we need another atom just to print a star.
> But your points certainly are valid. I'll implement this. Thanks :)
>>> This would remove the need of making the printing of the "*" to be
>>> needed by ref-filter. As this is only needed in branch.c
>>> If going on what you're saying we could have a "%(starifcurrent)" atom or
>>> something, but I don't see a general use for this.
>> To have a really customizeable format, you would want to allow e.g.
>>   git branch --format '%(starifcurrent) %(objectname) %(refname)'
>> if the user wants to get the sha1 before the refname, and still have the
>> star in front. It's a bit frustrating to have a hardcoded format that
>> the user can't reproduce with the --format option, since it means you
>> can't easily make a small variation on it.
> Agreed. will have a "starifcurrent" atom :)

Please don't. It's better to avoid these highly specialized solutions
and instead seek general purpose ones. For instance, utilizing the
%(if:) atom suggested elsewhere, you might add an %(iscurrentbranch)
which would allow a format like this:


Even more generic would be an %(ifeq:x:y) conditional and a
%(currentbranch) atom:


Those are just a couple ideas. Other variations are possible and
likely preferable to the specialized %(starifcurrent).
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