Karthik Nayak <karthik....@gmail.com> writes:

> --- a/t/t6302-for-each-ref-filter.sh
> +++ b/t/t6302-for-each-ref-filter.sh
> @@ -149,4 +149,25 @@ test_expect_success 'check `colornext` format option' '
>       test_cmp expect actual
>  '
> +test_expect_success 'check `ifexists` format option' '
> +     cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
> +     [foo1.10]
> +     [foo1.3]
> +     [foo1.6]
> +     EOF
> +     git for-each-ref --format="%(ifexists:[%s])%(refname:short)" | grep 
> "foo" >actual &&
> +     test_cmp expect actual
> +'

You're testing only the positive case of ifexists, right? You need a
test for the negative case (i.e. the attribute does not exist) too.
Ideally, check that the ifexist actually applies to the right attribute,

--format '%(ifexist:<%s>)%(attribute1) %(ifexist:[%s])%(attribute2)'

and manage to get an output like

<foobar> [barfoo]

> +cat >expect <<EOF &&
> +[$(get_color green)foo1.10$(get_color reset)]||foo1.10
> +[$(get_color green)foo1.3$(get_color reset)]||foo1.3
> +[$(get_color green)foo1.6$(get_color reset)]||foo1.6
> +EOF
> +
> +test_expect_success 'check `ifexists` with `colornext` format option' '
> +     git for-each-ref 
> --format="%(ifexists:[%s])%(colornext:green)%(refname:short)||%(refname:short)"
>  | grep "foo" >actual &&
> +     test_cmp expect actual
> +'

You have a double || that is not useful. Not really harmful either, but
it may distract the reader. You may want to s/||/|/.

Matthieu Moy
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