Martin Ågren <> writes:

> Since this is my first code contribution to Git, I'll ask about this part of
> SubmittingPatches:
> "After the list reached a consensus that it is a good idea to apply the
> patch, re-send it with "To:" set to the maintainer [*1*] and "cc:" the
> list [*2*] for inclusion."
> I will boldly assume that I should not be doing this. It seems to me this
> doesn't happen very often or not at all -- possibly because you tend to
> be involved in virtually all threads anyway, before the list reaches a
> consensus.

Yeah, that is in the "ideal patch flow" section, isn't it?  We
rarely achieve the "ideal" and often instead go for a more expedited
option, it appears---perhaps I should try to be less involved in
individual patch reviews and place more review burden on other
reviewers ;-)

In any case, it was a pleasure to cheer-lead on the progress of this
series.  Thanks.

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