Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>> On Friday 03 April 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>>> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
>>>> On Friday 03 April 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>>>>> Its installer.  I would prefer something like Sabayon's installer
>>>>> (which
>>>>> is a Gentoo-based distro.)
>>>> there is no installer anymore. And that is a good thing.
>>> He asked what annoys me, and I answered truthfully :P
>> yeah, but if you think about it for a moment you will see that an
>> installer is the WRONG THING and then you won't be annoyed anymore
>> but glad.
> I thought about it and I would still like an installer.  People asked
> me "I want that too" after they see what Gentoo can do and is about. 
> I could help them learn to keep their Gentoo healthy and running, but
> I am not willing to install it for them or teach them how to install
> it themselves.  Too much work.  So from my observational point, the
> lack of an installer just means that people who would like to try
> Gentoo just don't, because the learning curve is too steep, beginning
> right at the installation.  To learn, you need a system that already
> runs so you can learn that system.  Gentoo needs to be installed by
> someone who already knows.  Chicken and egg.
> If it wasn't for the GUI installer of the 2007 live DVD (it's what I
> used to install it), I wouldn't ever have installed Gentoo.  I have a
> life.  And so does the majority of other people.  I learned Gentoo
> (and I think I learned it quite well) even while I used the GUI
> installer. And I believe even that I learned Gentoo the right way.  I
> am proof that an installer doesn't only produce clueless Gentoo users.
I made my first install from the 2008.0 Minimal CD, which was all fun
and good, but later on a laptop when I was completely unaware of
initramfs, a LiveCD was my only way to actually manage to install
Gentoo. I can see how a completely "Wizard-like" installer would go
against a lot of what this distro seems to have centered as a primary
focus, but it certainly could act as a way to influence more to use it.
Then again, being something of a "developer' distro", where one will
usually compile every package they install, it may have by that single
mechanism lost a lot of those who would otherwise use it. Granted, it's
a feature of Gentoo I rather like.

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