Dan Cowsill wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Daniel da Veiga <danieldave...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I would still think its a problema.
>> People would install Gentoo, get a functional system, not read the
>> handbook, and flood the forums and this mailing list with already
>> answered and handbook questions.
>> Daniel da Veiga
> I think the minute you start looking at Gentoo or the installation
> process as a sort of 'proving ground' for advanced users, you lose
> your objectivity in a discussion like this.  The bottom line is that
> if a user is willing, he will learn and prosper with Gentoo, installer
> or no installer.

I wouldn't saying installing is a proving ground but it is a learning
tool.  I don't like the idea of a installer either.  I have installed
form a CD that had a installer and I always did it manually.  It is
faster and you only have to do it once.  If you use a installer, you end
up doing it again anyway.  There will be something the installer set up
that is not the way you want it to be and you have to change it.

I have to say, of all the things the -devs have on their plate to deal
with, a installer shouldn't be one of them.  It's not like there is
enough devs and some are just sitting around with nothing to do.  I
would guess that they wish they had more time to deal with what they
currently have in front of them.

My opinion, agree with it or not.


:-)  :-)

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