Am Dienstag, den 27.01.2009, 14:25 -0800 schrieb Grant:
> Using -C, gimp is about 10x more responsive than if I don't.  I was
> surprised too.  My laptop and the "remote" system are 15 feet away
> from each other on the same wireless network, with the router in
> between.
Most X programs store their bitmaps in the X server - not the program.
You can see this if you look at the memory usage. So lots of data is
transfered if using gimp :)

BTW: If you can use cable instead of wireless, you may have a _much_
better experience, because of the latency that wireless adds.

BTW2: If your bandwidth is really small, you should use VNC instead of
ssh-X - though that's not to nice with image editing :)


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