Grant wrote:
> I just enabled X-forwarding and I've got a few questions for you guys.
> Should I have any security concerns about doing this?

Not more than usual. I assume your online computers have been secured
(to a reasonable degree)... Of course if anyone has access to your
remote machine (that you run X apps on) they could theoretically
"listen" in on your X session (man xauth for details).

> It looks like gimp comes through with an older/blockier version of gtk
> or something.  Any way to fix that?

Well, gimp is using local resources on the machine you run it on. So
it's using whatever version of gtk that is installed on your remote
machine. Is it the fonts that are "blocky"? If so it may be an DPI issue ...

> I'm starting X-forwarding like 'ssh -XC gimp' and when I
> close gimp it looks like the terminal is still running the process.
> Is it supposed to come back to the prompt?

Hm... yes, if you are starting gimp that way it may be that ssh doesn't
recognise that gimp is closed so it maintains the connection. Have you
tried to log in with ssh -X and run it from there instead? Btw, the -C
option is unnecessary unless you are using a very slow connection.

Best regards

Peter K

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