Grant wrote: > That's the weird part. Local gimp and remote gimp side-by-side on the > same screen look different. For example, the edges of the buttons and > widgets in local gimp are rounded but they aren't in remote gimp. Not > a big deal though.
So what do gimp look like when you run it locally on the "remote" machine (i.e. not using ssh)? > When I ssh -X, start gimp, close gimp, and close the ssh session, the > terminal prompt disappears and only the cursor is visible in the > terminal. I have to ctrl+c to bring the prompt back. This doesn't > happen with ssh -X unless I open gimp during the session. So this only happens with gimp? It may be that gimp doesn't exit "properly"... I'm just guessing and I don't know why that would be. > Using -C, gimp is about 10x more responsive than if I don't. I was > surprised too. My laptop and the "remote" system are 15 feet away > from each other on the same wireless network, with the router in > between. Ah, well... can't argue with that. :-) Best regards Peter K