On 9/12/07, Benno Schulenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Colleen Beamer wrote: > > So what I thought was some residual problem with > > screwing up and hitting the 'Media Direct' button wasn't really > > the problem after all. > > It might still be, depending on how you've reinstalled. If you > blanked the first few gigabytes of the disk with 'dd if=/dev/zero > of=/dev/sda' and then repartitioned the drive, there shouldn't be > anything left of what that evil button did. But if you kept the > partition table as it was and just recreated the file systems, > there might still be some marker in the partition header > of /dev/sda3 that doesn't look right to the kernel. But it is > quite unlikely.
I used fdisk - deleted all the partitions, created the new partition table and created file systems on them. I can read data from the drive - any text file that I can "cat" displays fine. I just can't get the drive recognized when I boot to the system. Anyway, the solution could have come from yourself, if you had > told the list what it was that you missed in the kernel config: > http://readlist.com/lists/gentoo.org/gentoo-user/18/90989.html This link tells nothing - it was from the first time I installed Gentoo on the new laptop. This time I *did* configure sata into the kernel. So *that* is not the issue. And I'm not *that* stupid that I would repeat a previous mistake. I truly thing something is screwed up in the kernel-sources for 6.22-gentoo-r5 cause not matter what I select in the Sata section of the kernel config, nothing works. Regards, Colleen