
I'm still struggling with this situation

Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Sunday 09 September 2007, Colleen Beamer wrote:

> Google found this:
> http://www.goodells.net/dellrestore/mediadirect.htm
> So it's a mini-OS type of thing to play media. It hides itself and does 
> other weird stuff so I'm not surprised it went ballistic on your 
> partition table...
> I'd advise you to go into the BIOS setup screen at the next boot and see 
> if there's a way to switch it off or disable it

I tried this, but couldn't find a way to switch it off.

> You might have an incorrect kernel config, with the filesystem or disk 
> drivers not compiled in anymore. Could you post the output of lspci, 
> plus your config? Use 'zcat /proc/config > /path/to/some/file' and 
> attach it so we are sure we have the right one

I don't know what you are talking about here.  First, I can't boot from
the hard drive, so where do you want me to do lspci?  From the chroot'd
environment?  I did it and it looks okay, but I suppose I could compare
it to what I get when I've booted from the install CD

I don't know how to post any file since the problem is on my laptop
where I don't have e-mail and I'm writing on my old desktop.  I have no
means of getting the file to the old computer.
> What version and USE flags are you using for grub?

I'm using the latest stable version of grub.
> MediaDirect *might* have done weird things to your BIOS setup, it's 
> worth a try to make a note of all current settings, then reset 
> everything to default and try once more. Long shot, but I've seen 
> stranger things...

I've checked all the BIOS settings and they all look fine.  I didn't see
anything related to Media Direct in there.
>> Anyway, let me know what else you need (besides maybe contents of
>> fstab and grub.conf
>> Although the fstab and grub.conf are exactly what they were before
>> hitting that damned "Media Direct" button.
> If they are the same then there's no real need to go further down that 
> route. For the record, your boot stanza will have minimally something 
> like this:

I'm going to post my grub.conf file, just to be sure.  I have a SATA
drive on the laptop and I use genkernel.

default 0
timeout 30
title=Gentoo Linux (2.6.22-gentoo-r5)

kernel /kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.22-gentoo-r5 root=/dev/ram0
init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/sda3 udev
initrd /initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.22-gentoo-r5

Note:  The line starting with kernel and ending with udev is all on one
line, but wordwrap is on so it displays on 2 lined

I am getting really frustrated here, 'cause my partitions all mount
properly and I can edit files on them.  When I try booting to the hard
drive, it says "grub loading", or something to that affect, but then it
won't boot properly.

Anyway, I've been at this all night, so I'm giving up till tomorrow
after work.




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