On Wednesday 13 December 2006 22:59, Travis Osterman wrote:
> I needed to unmask ivtv by placing it in my
> /etc/portage/package.keywords as "media-tv/ivtv".  Now I'd like to
> have my system not ask me to ever upgrade it again until the newer
> version is required as a dependency of some other program.


> I thought that putting "=media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0" (where 0.9.0 is my
> current version) in /etc/portage/package.mask would be the solution,
> but when I "emerge ivtv -pv" it wants to upgrade to "0.9.1".

You should package.mask the versions you don't want. Not the version you do 
want. So ">=media-tv/ivtv-0.9.1" seems to be what you're looking for. 
Or ">media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0"...

> I commented out the line in package.keywords thinking maybe if it was
> already installed and masked that portage would ignore it.  The result
> of this was portage wanted to downgrade to the more 'stable' 0.8.x -
> which is also not the desired result.

Of course you can also just put "=media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0" in package.keywords. 
That will work until the 0.9 branch gets stabilised. Of course
"~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0" may be preferred since you may want bugfixes like 
media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0-r1, media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0-r2 etc. if such ever gets 
realeased in the tree...

> Is there a way to not upgrade to 0.9.1 without emerge'ing ivtv with
> the '-1' option or using package.provided (as it seems to circumvent
> portage's dependency checking)?  Thanks.

Using package.provided is a *really* bad idea! It will bite you eventually...

This is all documented in `man portage` and the handbook...

Bo Andresen

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