On Thursday 14 December 2006 00:36, Travis Osterman wrote: > > > I needed to unmask ivtv by placing it in my > > > /etc/portage/package.keywords as "media-tv/ivtv". Now I'd like to > > > have my system not ask me to ever upgrade it again until the newer > > > version is required as a dependency of some other program. > > > > Why? > > I tend not to upgrade for long periods on this box once it works and > when I do upgrade generally it is only one or two programs.
That's sort of my point. If you don't want to upgrade ivtv then why run emerge ivtv... > Those programs, however, have many dependencies and portage tends to want to > update everything. [SNIP] Now my guess is that you want a newer version of some pkg like say mythtv which has a direct dependency on ivtv and hence you run e.g. `emerge -u mythtv`. That indeed would upgrade ivtv because -u updates direct dependencies. If instead you ran it without -u it would not upgrade ivtv since the newer version isn't actually required according to the ebuild... > > You should package.mask the versions you don't want. Not the version you > > do want. So ">=media-tv/ivtv-0.9.1" seems to be what you're looking for. > > Or ">media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0"... > > That was my thought too, based on the manual, but an entry (without a > version) in package.keywords takes precident over package.mask (which > I did not know). [SNIP] Hmm... If you put ~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0 in both package.mask and package.keywords then you will find that ~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0 cannot be installed because it is "masked by: package.mask". Hence I would say that package.mask takes precedence over package.keywords... I suppose what you wanted to say was that a package can be "masked by: ~arch keyword" without being in package.mask and hence won't be installed because it's masked by something... -- Bo Andresen
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