On Wed, 13 Dec 2006 22:32:35 -0500, Travis Osterman wrote:

> # cat /etc/portage/package.keywords | grep ivtv
> media-tv/ivtv
> # cat /etc/portage/package.mask | grep ivtv
> ~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0
> # emerge -pv ivtv
> [ebuild  N    ] media-tv/ivtv-0.9.1

Here you are unkeyword-masking all versions and masking 0.9.0, so portage
picks the highest version that matches, which is 0.9.1.

> # cat /etc/portage/package.keywords | grep ivtv
> ~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0
> # cat /etc/portage/package.mask | grep ivtv
> ~media-tv/ivtv-0.9.0
> # emerge -pv ivtv
> [ebuild  N    ] media-tv/ivtv-0.8.0

Now you are both unkeyword-masking and unmasking 0.9.0 but 0.9.1 is
already keyword masked, so the best match is 0.8.0.

keyword masking and package masking are considered separately, so although
0.9.0 may match on ACCEPT_KEYWORDS, it is still package masked.

Neil Bothwick

The people who are wrapped up in themselves are overdressed.

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