On Tuesday 14 January 2025 12:01:02 Greenwich Mean Time Michael wrote:

> I am not familiar with the BOINC application.  Is the program taking a long
> time to stop because it is completing whatever calculation it was processing
> and then have to store/upload the result and its current status before it
> shuts down?  If not, then I agree 60 seconds is a long time to wait.
> > I've tried adding the file to CONFIG_PROTECT in make.conf, to no avail.

No, it isn't that. All BOINC operations are local on the machine. Each project 
runs its calculations on its batch of downloaded data, then sends the result 
back. Each batch may take from many minutes to several days, even on a 
powerful machine.

The stop function has this, as Michael O. says:

local stop_timeout="SIGTERM/60/SIGTERM/30/SIGKILL/30"

It's just setting arbtrary times by which SGTERM should have stopped the 
program. In practice, the first SIGTERM is ignored, or otherwise fails, but the 
second one succeeds. Those periods are far too long here.

> The existing CONFIG_PROTECT in /usr/share/portage/config/make.globals ought
> to protect unwanted changes.  Have you inadvertently set

Make.conf includes settings of both CONFIG_PROTECT and CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK. 
It's assuming that init scripts should never be customised to suit local 
conditions, but that assumption is unhelpful in this case. And changing the 
order of those entries makes no difference either: the mask takes precedence.


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