Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 06:16:12AM -0600 schrieb Dale:
>>>> What does it try to do in simple terms?  Or, how would I use it may be a
>>>> better question? 
>>> Look at my mail from 23.10., it has a textual description (the one with the
>>> file tree): it basically wraps the old script over all files.
>>> You have a directory 'A' with videos and a subdirectory 'A/temp' with new
>>> videos. Start the script in A and it will go through all files in A/temp and
>>> ask you what to do with each – skip (do nothing), keep (move to A without
>>> renaming), or overwrite a certain file in A (keeping the extension), which 
>>> is
>>> the same as the old script.
>> OK.  I think I get it.  It's kinda like dispatch-conf except it is for
>> files not lines in a file.  No 'merge' option tho. Kinda hard to merge a
>> video.  lol 
>> I may try that sometime.  I may copy the files to a different location
>> just in case I screw up something. It won't be the real files so no harm
>> if I botch it.
> Always have a backup. ;-)
> I deny any responsibility for data loss. :-P
> If you want to try it before doing real stuff: you could comment the two
> lines where it says 'mv -f' and 'rm -f'. Then it won’t do anything, but
> there are still progress messages being printed.

I update my backups every week.  I'm going to order another hard drive
in a couple weeks.  I'm looking at a 16TB.  I've got to build a rig so I
can use LVM on two drives.  That 16TB won't last long with this new
fiber internet.  I still wish I could back up a large directory and
split it into two parts.  Have one part be directories starting with A
through L and second one start with M and go through to Z.  That would
roughly split it into two pieces.  Then I could use two drives for that
directory.  I use rsync but don't know of a way to split it. 

My biggest concern, I may do the wrong thing and mess up something.  I
have some videos that are hard to find. 

>> P. S.  Now I'm trying to figure out how to change the resolution of all
>> videos in a directory.  Usually going from 1080p to 720p.  If you have a
>> script for that, awesome.
> I use ffmpeg for all my encoding stuff, and have been using wrapper scripts
> for years now to make things easier. However, none of them has resized yet.
> It’s not difficult to configure, but the wrapper needs much more logic. As
> in: find out the current resolution, see if it is actually larger, then
> calculate the new resolution while keeping the aspect intact and so on.

I found commands for it but not a way to process lots of videos.  Right
now, I use the queue feature of handbrake.  I set up a preset to make it
the same each time.  I set it to 720p and about 3MB data rate.  Should
be OK for my 32" TV. 

>> I'm currently using handbrake and it works but there may be a better way. 
> I know handbrake by name, have been aware of it for many a year, but never
> used it. In my Windows days I used VirtualDub for my editing stuff, and on
> Linux I’ve always used commandline tools, beginning with mencoder back in
> the day.

I tried Kdenlive but couldn't figure it out.  It may work better but if
I can't figure it out, it isn't much help.  lol 


:-)  :-) 

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