Am Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 10:10:52AM +0200 schrieb Arve Barsnes:
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2022 at 06:40, Dale <> wrote:
> >
> > Howdy,
> >
> > This may not exist.  If not, oh well.  Sometimes when I'm moving files
> > with Dolphin, I need a added feature.  I tend to use split panes when I
> > copy or move files.  Quite often, I want to move files from one location
> > to another and the new file use the same name as the old file I'm
> > replacing.  What I *wish* I could do, move the file from one pane to the
> > other and drag the new file on top of the old file and it replace it
> > with the name of the old file.  As it is now, I have to bring up
> > properties, select the name of the file, while not including the
> > extension, and copy it, then close that window and open properties on
> > the new file, highlight the old name, paste new name, close window, copy
> > new file over and either delete old file or tell it to overwrite the
> > file.  Sometimes it has a different extension and I have to delete
> > instead.

> This is probably a case of Dolphin not being a good tool, unless it
> has a built-in command-line?

It has: F4. And the path of that terminal is synced with that of the current
file view. That’s something you don’t get with Yakuake.

> 1. Equivalent to your method
> - Select old file, F2 (rename), ctrl+c, esc, select new file in other
> pane, shift+F6 (move with rename), ctrl+v, enter

Shift+F6 only moves without rename—only if the destination already

Dolphin has a „Copy address“ function: Ctrl+Alt+C. It will copy the absolute
path of a file to the clipboard. Then you can use tab completion in the
Dolphin terminal at the original file’s location and type:
mv <Beginning of source file><Tab>
and then insert the destination. This will at least save you from
completion-tabbing through the destination directory.

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