On 2022-10-23, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That is true on Linux.  Most linux software could care less what the
> extension is or if it even has one.  Heck, you could likely change a
> .mp4 to .txt and it would open with a video player just by clicking on
> it.  Thing is, if I share a file with someone who uses windoze, I'm not
> sure if it would work the same way.  A wrong extension could cause
> problems, either not opening at all or crashing something.  It's
> windoze, one can't expect much.  ROFL 

A friend of mine once spent days trying to re-encode a video file into
a format that could be handled by a particular windows app. No matter
what codecs/parameters he tried, the app couldn't open the file. He
finally figured out that the app in question had hard requirements for
the filename suffix, and they chose a somewhat non-nstandard extension
for that container format.

It turned out that any of the codec/parameter combinations would have
been fine, it was just the filename that was causing the problem.


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