On 06/08/2021 19:41, n952162 wrote:
It might not hurt if that error message included the suggestion to run
"emerge -u portage" to update it. It does say that the solution is to
update portage - it just doesn't explicitly tell you how to do so.

The way out of my dilema would be first to emerge portage and then
emerge @world?

Probably. If you've left it that long you might find you still have a few problems.

If you find you have trouble once portage is updated, I've found that the following often works ...

First do a --update @system (NO deep, no changed use, no nothing like that). If that succeeds, the remaining steps will be hassle but nothing serious.

Then try the same with @world.

Finally update @world with deep, newuse etc.

If emerge keeps giving up with too many blocks, just do a oneshot emerge of a bunch of stuff it says it *can* emerge, and you'll likely find after a couple of shots of that that it suddenly works. The other trick I try is, IFF @system was successful, just do a oneshot delete of any blocking packages and again it should suddenly start working.


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