On 8/6/21 8:22 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 8:37 AM n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:
I was complaining, mostly, that isodate had to be the thing that was
incompatible with my configuration.  Maybe there is a unavoidable reason
that that package had to move to the newest EAPI, or maybe it was just a
sense that it's cool to be with the cutting edge.  It seems to me that
isodate (which is actually tied, perhaps indirectly, to clearly slow
United Nations rule-making) must be pretty stable.

It might not hurt if that error message included the suggestion to run
"emerge -u portage" to update it. It does say that the solution is to
update portage - it just doesn't explicitly tell you how to do so.

The way out of my dilema would be first to emerge portage and then
emerge @world?


To address your follow-up email, many popular binary distros have been
working on reproducible builds, so if your main concern is fear of
what might be bundled inside packages, I'd think that would mitigate a
lot of it.

I will look into reproducible builds, thank you.

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