
I did a KDE update so I switched to boot runlevel and back to default. 
I noticed that a service didn't start and it was smartd.  Not exactly
critical but it does monitor my hard drives.  When I try to restart it,
I get this using the -v option.

root@fireball / # /etc/init.d/smartd start -v
 * Executing: /lib/rc/sh/ /lib/rc/sh/
/etc/init.d/smartd start
 * Starting smartd ...
 * start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/': No such file or directory
 * Detaching to start `/usr/sbin/smartd' ...
 *   start-stop-daemon: failed to start `/usr/sbin/smartd'
 * Failed to start
[ !! ]
 * ERROR: smartd failed to start
root@fireball / #

I've tried re-emerging the smartmontools package, I've tried the zap
option as well, in case my recent power supply blow up left some cruft
behind.  I also googled but can't find this problem.  It seems tho that
the pid file should maybe be in /var instead of /run.  I'm not sure if
it was moved recently or what. 

Anyone know how to fix this?  Or run into this before?



:-)  :-)

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