
I'm installing gentoo on the family computer, and I'm opting for lightdm
and xfce (for ease of use for non-experienced users). As per the wiki, I
emerged the packages, enabled and started the dbus and xdm services.
Lightdm starts fine, but xfce fails to start with the error: "Unable to
contact settings server; Unable to connect: connection refused". A few
things I tried:

- starting another DE (dwm) from lightdm: works
- starting xfce from startx: works
- starting xfce from a running x server (via terminal emulator): works
- remerging xorg with "elogind -suid": still the same (for simplicity
  I'd prefer "suid -elogind" though)

What I noticed:
- the error seems to be dbus-related (from the source code, it seems
  xfconf_init fails, which in turns calls dbus things); however I double
  checked that dbus is enabled and started.
- when xfce starts successfully (eg. via startx), it starts
  xfce4-session with dbus-launch (not sure where that happens; I see no
  mentions of it in startxfce4 nor /etc/xdg/xcfe4/xinitrc), whereas when
  started from lightdm, xfce4-session is started normally (without

I'm not used to graphical login managers, and I'm running out of ideas.
Does anyone have some idea of what I could try to get xfce running from


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