David Haller wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2020, Dale wrote:
>> David Haller wrote:
> [..]
>>> Compile with:
>>>     gcc $CFLAGS -o ones ones.c
>>> or
>>>     gcc $(portageq envvar CFLAGS) -o ones ones.c
>>> and use/test e.g. like
>>>     ./ones | dd of=/dev/null bs=8M count=1000 iflag=fullblock
> [..]
>> I got it to compile, at least it created a file named ones anyway.  What
>> I'm unclear about, where is the if= for dd in the command?  All the
>> commands I've seen before has a if= and a of=.  The if for input and of
>> for output or target.
> ==== man 1 dd ====
>        if=FILE
>               read from FILE instead of stdin
> [..]
>        of=FILE
>               write to FILE instead of stdout
> ====
> note the stuff after 'instead' ;)

So it is piped in with the | thingy?  Got it. 

>> I'm assuming that if I want to target sdb, I'd
>> replace null with /dev/sdb. 
> Yes.
>> As I've posted before, even my scripting skills are minimal.  Surprised
>> I got it to compile even.
> Well, you could copy & paste and on gentoo, there is bound to be a
> 'gcc' ;)

Yea, just my skills on that sort of thing is minimal or none.  I do copy
and paste pretty well tho.  ;-) 

>> something.  I placed all this in the /root directory.  I'm assuming I
>> can copy paste the commands above while in /root to make it work?
> Yes. Or put 'ones' in /root/bin/ or even /usr/local/bin. Depending on
> if you expect to use the program later on. But if it's just for this
> once it's fine in /root/ alongside the sourcecode.
> HTH,
> -dnh

Well, I made notes in my frequent commands file.  It may be rare that I
use it but when I do, maybe the notes will help.  Maybe.  ;-)

Thanks much.


:-)  :-) 

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