Additional info. I got the data moved and a smaller drive removed from the LVM setup. I decided to play with badblocks a bit and test the old drive. I'm testing with destructive patterns since that should effectively erase data. The old drive reported a few errors. I did some googling and found out that SMART can interfere with badblocks. Basically, it accesses the drive and that creates errors. I found it odd but decided I'd restart the test and see. If it had a bad block, it would still be bad. I redid the test and so far, it has reported no errors. It seems what I found does happen.
So, if anyone is running badblocks, make sure to turn off SMART for that device until the tests have completed. Otherwise you could get negative results. This is the command I'm using. badblocks -wsv -b 4096 /dev/sdb If you copy and paste, make sure to edit the device. When this is all done, I may post some further details. Oh, my frequent commands file is growing. ;-) Dale :-) :-)