I'm wondering that who's email client is broken, yours or mine?  I'm seeing a 
lot of U+FFFD replacement characters in this email, like, behind every stop 
punctuation ("?", ".", and ")"), but not in your other emails on the list.

Pengcheng Xu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 5:14 PM
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Testing a used hard drive to make SURE it is good.
> David Haller wrote:
>       Hello,
>       On Mon, 15 Jun 2020, Dale wrote:
>       [..]
>               While I'm at it, when running dd, I have zero and random in 
> /dev.�
> Where
>               does a person obtain a one?� In other words, I can write all 
> zeros,
> I
>               can write all random but I can't write all ones since it isn't
> in /dev.�
>               Does that even exist?� Can I create it myself somehow?� Can I
> download
>               it or install it somehow?� I been curious about that for a good
> long
>               while now.� I just never remember to ask.�
>       I've wondered that too. So I just hacked one up just now.
>       ==== ones.c ====
>       #include <unistd.h>
>       #include <stdlib.h>
>       #include <stdio.h>
>       static unsigned int buf[BUFSIZ];
>       int main(void) {
>           unsigned int i;
>           for(i = 0; i < BUFSIZ; i++) { buf[i] = (unsigned int)-1; }
>           while( write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf)) );
>           exit(0);
>       }
>       ====
>       Compile with:
>           gcc $CFLAGS -o ones ones.c
>       or
>           gcc $(portageq envvar CFLAGS) -o ones ones.c
>       and use/test e.g. like
>           ./ones | dd of=/dev/null bs=8M count=1000 iflag=fullblock
>       Here, it's about as fast as
>           cat /dev/zero | dd of=/dev/null bs=8M count=1000 iflag=fullblock
>       (but only about ~25% as fast as
>           dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null bs=8M count=1000 iflag=fullblock
>       for whatever reason ever, but the implementation of /dev/zero is
>       non-trivial ...)
>       HTH,
>       -dnh
> I got it to compile, at least it created a file named ones anyway.� What I'm
> unclear about, where is the if= for dd in the command?� All the commands I've
> seen before has a if= and a of=.� The if for input and of for output or 
> target.�
> I'm assuming that if I want to target sdb, I'd replace null with /dev/sdb.�
> As I've posted before, even my scripting skills are minimal.� Surprised I got
> it to compile even.� lol� Just trying to make sure I don't mess up something.�
> I placed all this in the /root directory.� I'm assuming I can copy paste the
> commands above while in /root to make it work?� I'm asking because I haven't
> tried it yet.�
> Thanks.
> Dale
> :-)� :-)�

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