On 05/14/20 21:59, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
On 2020-05-14 14:10, n952162 wrote:
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "net-im/telegram-desktop".
As others have said, your local repository is out of date. Suggest an
emerge-webrsync or emerge --sync and trying again.
I'm not interested in the binary version. There's this:
I have this package in my local repositories. Though, I didn't know
it existed before today; I've been using the -bin package myself. I
might have to make the switch.
Action: sync for repo: gentoo, returned code = 0
* An update to portage is available. It is _highly_ recommended
* that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated.
* To update portage, run 'emerge --oneshot portage' now.
$ lf /var/db/pkg
acct-group/ app-text/ mail-mta/ net-nds/ sys-power/
app-accessibility/ app-vim/ media-fonts/ net-print/ sys-process/
app-admin/ dev-db/ media-gfx/ net-wireless/ virtual/
app-arch/ dev-lang/ media-libs/ perl-core/ www-client/
app-cdr/ dev-libs/ media-sound/ sys-apps/ x11-apps/
app-crypt/ dev-perl/ media-video/ sys-auth/ x11-base/
app-dicts/ dev-python/ net-analyzer/ sys-block/ x11-drivers/
app-editors/ dev-qt/ net-dialup/ sys-boot/ x11-libs/
app-emulation/ dev-ruby/ net-dns/ sys-devel/ x11-misc/
app-eselect/ dev-util/ net-firewall/ sys-firmware/ x11-plugins/
app-misc/ dev-vcs/ net-libs/ sys-fs/ x11-terms/
app-portage/ gnome-base/ net-mail/ sys-kernel/ x11-themes/
app-shells/ mail-client/ net-misc/ sys-libs/ x11-wm/