On 05/14/20 21:28, Rich Freeman wrote:

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 3:10 PM n952162 <n952...@web.de> wrote:
I tried to emerge  net-im/telegram-desktop
but it said:
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "net-im/telegram-desktop".

Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your local repository?  I
assume you're running an amd64 system/profile based on your
accept_keywords change?

Nothing particularly exciting is going on with that package as far as
I can tell from the git log.  Have you tried looking at your
repository in the net-im directory to see if it is there?  What
happens if you run an emerge --sync - you don't get any errors?
No, I have no /var/db/pkg/net-im directory, even after running emerge
I'm running profile 17.1, desktop.

Do I have to do something special to get net-im?

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